Posted in Movie Reviews

The Witcher: Blood Origin (Series Review)

Generally, my reviews have been for movies as opposed to television shows but not all of our entertainment comes in the form of movies. With shows often being every bit as entertaining as many movies, I’ve branched out to include a series review.

The Witcher: Blood Origin isn’t as bad of a show as some would profess but let’s be honest; it’s not a good show either. Though it has a smaller budget, it’s still slightly better than The Eternals (2021) but that isn’t saying much.

Posted in Movie Reviews

The Eternals (2021)

MCU movies have gone through an evolution over the years since Robert Downey Jr. first took up the role of Tony Stark back in 2008.

While movie producers all wanted franchises with trilogies and predictably high box office returns, it wasn’t until the MCU did we ever get a movie universe at this scale. With the 2008 Iron Man movie, audiences were introduced to limitless possibilities where many of their favorite characters can find life on the silver screen as each of those characters had their own movies to flesh out their identities.

Posted in Movie Reviews

Mortal Kombat (2021)

A Little History
Video game fans haven’t had a whole lot of luck with regards to getting enjoyable interpretations of their favorite game characters on the silver screen. Super Mario Bros. (1993) and Street Fighter (1994) are cringeworthy examples of how such movies can be very poorly made. This may be the result of having people put in charge of the project who either know how to make movies but don’t know anything about the game or people who know the game but don’t know how to make a good movie.

That changed in 1995 when they released that year’s Mortal Kombat. It wasn’t a film that took itself too seriously but put in enough effort where most if its audience walked out of the theater feeling entertained. At that point, it looked like video game movies might finally get their due. It is unfortunate then that Mortal Kombat Annihilation came out in 1997 and all that is bad about the genre was put back on display.

Posted in Movie Reviews

Terminator: Dark Fate

Before Terminator: Dark Fate hit the silver screen, it started off with an impressive teaser trailer.  Set to the music of RIAYA and the voice of John Mark McMillan, there was a visceral appeal to what one would anticipate to be a great movie.

That changed with future trailers that failed to escalate the appeal or even equal it.  The anticipation was diminished but there was still this movie that needed to be explored.  With that in mind, I watched the new Terminator: Dark Fate.
