I thought that it was great to read about how the DNC (Democratic National Committee) was finally cleaning up its act when their Superdelegate system was stripped of much of its power. Though there is still plenty of corruption to go around in the Democratic Party, it was a relief when they seemed to have heard the cries of American voters who despised being silenced by the oligarchy.

Democrats in power want to stay in power. Though it would be fair to say the same of Republicans, the DNC seems to be taking extra and disappointing steps in an effort to strong-arm their constituencies to prevent anyone from challenging incumbent officials.

The DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) has instituted a policy to cut funding to any Primary challengers in races for the House of Representatives when a Democrat already holds that office. This has served as a slap in the face to many Democrats that want to be able to choose their own candidates. In many cases, those candidates would be considerably more progressive than the one currently in office.

While I personally oppose many of the more recent progressive stances on issues, I am vehemently against corruption. Thankfully, sixty-eight chapters of the College Democrats are now urging voters to NOT donate to the party’s congressional campaign. Though the DNC would love to keep their people in the House, the DCCC’s efforts to make that happen may backfire.

Power corrupts.


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